You are probably aware that nursing mothers transfer immune information – how to fight specific bacteria and viruses – to their babies through their colostrum, or first milk. In a similar way, Immune Boost provides your body with “transfer factors” and other vital immune signals that it may lack, thereby providing powerful immune support.
—Dr. Hennen | "The immune system is one of the most complex systems in the human body. Its multiple functions include: quickly recognizing threats; reacting, to destroy them; remembering for improved future responses; then resting so energy can be re-directed for whole-soul vitality. In order to accomplish effective immune system defense, the myriad of immune cells require basic as well as specialized support. Basic support involves the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that all cells need. Specialized support includes transfer factors and phytonutrients, such as certain mushroom components and yeast beta glucans, that have been proven to interact with the immune system. Cell-IQ Immunity products are formulated to provide basic and specialized support to the immune system. Each individual component, and their reaction with other components in the formula, has been included in the proper amounts to support and maximize the overall benefit to the immune system.*" |